Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Operation Christmas Child

Hi, it's Brianna again. I wanted to tell you about an act of kindness we did not long ago. It's called Operation Christmas Child and it's an awesome thing to do.

That's my Sunday School class. We filled up 8 boxes but you don't have to do as many as us, just 1 will help! It goes to a lot of children in other places that don't get christmas presents. We put in candy and stamps, paper, crayons, markers, stickers, toys and lots of other things. If you send one you can track it to see where it goes. Did you send a box this year? Let me know if you did or if you're going to next year.

Blog you later! Brianna

Monday, December 3, 2012

Starting of Kindness

Hi, I'm Brianna! I'm 8 and me and my mom started this blog "Acts of kindness 4 kids". We want 100 people to help people so we thought of some ways:

 Ask your parents if you can go to the store to buy toys for needy kids.

Get a paper bag and put things like bottled water, mints, socks, scarves, tissues, etc in it to give homeless people at red lights.

Take flowers to people at the hospital.

Pass out silly bands.

Ask if you can read to kids at a hospital or library.

Make bookmarks to hide in your favorite library books.

Make friendship bracelets for kids at a local hospital.

We will do these things and write about it here. If you do an act of kindness please leave a comment and let us know what you did!

Thank you for reading my blog. I hope you do something kind.
